Monday, December 13, 2010

The Different Types of Deer Stands and When to Use Them

If you happen to be a hunter who prefers an enclosing from which to hunt, you have a few different kinds of deer stands to select from. One option that might pass through your mind might be a tree stand. You can find tree stands in three basic styles: hang-on tree stands, climber tree stands, and ladder stands. You also might consider getting a tripod deer stand, ground blind, or tower deer stand. These choices provide you a more hidden hunting space to help mask your movements and scent. What are the differences, positives, and negatives between all of these stands?

Tripod stands are basically what the name says - they are a stand with three legs and a seat on top. There are a few large tripod stands that have been built to hold more than just one person. Tripod deer stands do however leave you exposed in the open when compared to ground blinds or box blinds. The greatest plus side of these deer stands is that they are cheaper than their more enclosed deer stand counterparts, and that you do not need a tree! While it is standard for most hunters to spend their time hunting in the thick woods, some prefer to lay and wait in open pastures. If the vegetation is overgrown, you might lose some deer, but not with tripod deer stands.

Ladder tree stands usually begin at around 14 feet, but they can go as high as 25 feet. Ladder stands are sometimes built with legs that you can change the height on. If your ladder tree stand doesn't have extend-able legs, then you are constricted as to the number of trees you can set up your stand in. As you can guess, a collapsible ladder stand is much easier to transport than a deer stand that is 20' in length. Although it is rarer, but there are ladder stands designed for two persons.

The primary difference when it comes to tree stands and tripod deer stands is the seat that moves. There are some tree stands however which allow you to adjust the up and down angle of your seat. Be careful if you have a swivel seat for your tripod stand to be positive that you can move around in your chair without squeaking noises.

If you desire to be able to make movements while in your stand and not care about deer smelling, hearing, or seeing you, then you should consider looking at going with a tower deer blind or ground blind. These help to keep you obscure. They also come with windows that provide for decent shooting rails so that you won't need to take your shot freehanded like you do from some tree stands. Some makers offer just the blind itself while others provide the blind plus a platform to put it on. Some deer blinds come with conversion tops that can be used as needed to protect you from the sight of a deer.

For more information about and to find out where to get cheap dear stands as well as to find plans on how to build your own, visit the Deer Stands homepage at

Deer Stands

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Best Hunting Clothes For Arkansas

There are many factors that play into choosing the right hunting clothes. You have to first decide what you are going to hunt. Then there is the season of the year you are hunting in. And also the area you will be hunting. Before you purchase your hunting close you should spend time in the woods and watch the colors of the tree bark and the leaves. Once you have done that you simply match the colors you seen in the wood to the clothing you will be wearing while you are hunting.

What you are going to hunt

In Arkansas there is a wide selection of game to hunt. There is small game like rabbits and squirrel, which do not really take a special type of clothing. Then you have water fowl. Better have a set of waders or a wet suit. Then of course you have turkey. You will want to be invisible to bag them. Then you also have the large game, which is deer, elk, and even bear.

What season will you be wearing your hunting clothes

If you are going to hunt small game you will be hunting in several seasons. From September to February. You will want both light and heavy clothing. If you are a water fail hunter you might want to take a change of cloth. You might get wet. However, really, if you going to hunt water fowl you will be doing so in the winter months so buy warm hunting clothes. The Turkey hunter has to be invisible. There are two seasons For the Turkey hunter; you have the spring hunt and the fall hunt. Therefore, you will need two different sets of hunting clothes. Finally, we come to the Big game. For the big game you will want to be invisible and quiet. So you will want soft and very warm for they are hunted in the coldest part of the year.

Where will you be hunting

when you are hunting water fowl you will probably be in the woods or under a blind. For turkey hunting, you moor them likely going to be at the edge of a field or in a natural clearing. In addition, for the big game you will probably be hunting in a stand.

If you want more information about hunting white tail in any part of the country:Click Here!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Small Game Hunting

There are several different types of small game in Arkansas. In this Blog we will discuss all of them.The first one we will talk about is rabbit hunting. The dose and don't. then we will move on to squirrel ,and Quail
First and foremost lets get the boring stuff out of the way. Rabbit season opens September 1 and runs through February 28. Their are a few expeditions to this their are a few wildlife management association lands that do not allow rabbit hunting in them. The fines for breaking these rules are from $200.00 up to $1000.00 kinda steep yes? So I say stay legal. Rabbit hunting is relatively easy. You get your shotgun go were the rabbit are and shoot them. Sounds easy enough. But there is a little more to it then that.Every time I get ready to go hunting anything I always get written permission from the land owner even if they have told me before that i can hunt there. them i buy plenty of shells you will shoot a lot before you reach you daily bag limit of 8 rabbits.speaking of bag limits the possession limit is 16.


The Fall squirrel season for 2008 and 2009 is about over. It started September 6 2008 and runs till February 28 2009. But do not fret my friends we have the Spring hunt coming soon it will Open May 16 and go till June 14 and we will be allowed to use our dog. That is when squirrel hunting gets really interesting . With the dogs barking tree and the leaves in the way so you can't find the tree rats. I guess i am getting old because I


The quail season runs from November 1- February 8. As with any hunt the first thing you want to do is to get permission from the land owner. Then you get your bird dog and plenty of shells and hit the Fields or the wood lines. Quail hunting in the thick wood is to difficult for my blood.The daily bag limit on quail is six the possession limit is twelve.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Turkey Sesson Is Almost Here

Well turkey hunters it is almost time to get busy chasing the old allusive long beard of the woods. First thing we have to do is get properly dressed for the occasion. This is not that difficult you just have to look like a tree. The best way to do that is in my opinion is to buy real tree camo. I mean from head to toe. Then you should find a comfortable place to set. In the woods that is not so easy to do. I have found that a Silent Spin Bucket Seat is a lot of help in the comfort area. Once you have that taken care of, you need to decide where to hunt. In Arkansas, there are turkeys everywhere. That problem solved then you have to decide how you lore in the turkey. Do you use a diaphragm call, a slate call, or a gobble stick? Do you call yourself or have someone else call and you shoot. In my personal opinion I think if you are going to hunt with a buddy, one should call the other should shoot. Otherwise, you are calling the same bird in two different directions.

Clothing for the Hunt

When you are turkey hunting the most important thing is to not be seen. Camo comes in all different colors and patterns. You have Mossey Oak, Realtree, seclusion 3 d just to name a few. When you are buying your camo, it is a good idea to stay with the same pattern of camo. For example if you buy real tree Ap Hd pattern boots, you should not buy Mossey Oak New Brk-Up Paints. The different is slight but you are trying to fool the most keen eyesight animal in the woods he might notice the change. The boots, pants, shirt, and the face mask should all match perfectly.

Finding the Right Seat

Once you have become invisible, you have to find the right seat to park your rump on. You may be there awhile so it has to be comfortable you cannot be moving around. If you are hunting the edge of the field, a bucket seat works great. If you are hunting a natural, clearing you may want to go with the deluxe super seat. It really does not matter what seat you get as long as it is comfortable.

Find the Turkey

Turkeys are really the easiest animal in the woods to find. All you have to do is go in the woods right before daylight and hoot like an owl while the birds are on the roost .They will answer with a gobble. Then you set up a little ways away wait for the sun to come up.

Calling in the long beard

Now that all the work is done, it is time to have some fun. You have to decide whether you are going to use a diaphragm call or a slate call. The diaphragm call goes in your mouth. The slate call is a round peace of slate that you slide a stick around on. They both are very effective once you master them.

Happy Hunting.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deer season is over : time to get ready for next year

Well Arkansas hunters, the seasons are over as of February 28. We need to start thinking about next year. There are many ways to get ahead of the elusive big buck. The most productive way is to start chasing him early. Like right after the season ends!
I like to start by updating my food plots, keeping food there all year will keep the deer moseying around. Plant seed that will grow through the summer and the cold of winter. Or do as we do around here plant summer plots in early spring and winter plots in late fall. I like to stalk deer year around so I always know what they are doing. Monitoring the deer lets me now the number I have and the best place to put my stand for the big opening day of Deer season. Being in the woods all year lets you know how the deer are moving and where they bed down.

Food Plots
Food plots are very effective way to harvest a big buck because he is comfortable there. The best place to put food plots is in a natural clearing and if possible near the water. This is a place in the woods that the trees do not grow but the grass does. You need to plant grass that grows well in the summer like Bermuda or lespedeza. Then around September or October plant winter wheat and clover. That will give you protean all year round. If it is possible, you should try to put you food plot by water. When a deer eats, he has to drink.

Placing Your Stand

After watching the deer you will find a pattern to their behavior. You should put your stand on a well-used trail preferably were two or three join. If it is possible to put it by the trail and water, this is much better. You should put you stand on the East end of your food plot because the wind generally blows from west to east. You want the wind to hit you in the face to carry your sent away from the plot. Otherwise you will be dependent on scent covers and other tricks to keep from spooking the deer.

Stalking Deer Year Around
Stalking deer is really simple. All you have to do is go to the woods and watch the deer. Watching them tells you a lot about their habits. Like where they bed down, how they move, where they drink and when, plus much more. Watching deer in the spring and summer may be a bit more difficult than in the fall and winter. In the summer, they tend to spread out whereas in the winter they run more in herds. The reason for this is the buck’s tendency to herd the doe for breeding purposes.